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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  September 20, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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it's thursday, septd 20 and you're inned cycle. i'm krystal ball. >> i'm steve kornaki, was the 47% video a home run or strike out for the obama campaign?cki, 47% video a home run or strike out for the obama campaign? >> he should call 911 but that's government assistance. >> plus toure wants to talk about some scream painting that reminds of macaulay culkin. it's going to be one of those days on "the cycle." we are back as the rains have now stopped and we're ready for action in the top of the seventh inning in our cycle baseball presidential paul game. according to the polls, the president has a good lead.
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the two tracking poms faine every day have it a little closer, but with all the chatter, finger pointing and conventional wisdom, the incumbent enters the last three innings with a slight lead. however, to quote the great political analyst yogi ber ra, it ain't over until it's over. with the tv debates to come, we go with yogi, but steve kornacki warns the debates don't always move runners. it's getting late early in this race. so the question is, which yogiism will we go with here? obviously, there's still more to come, et cetera, et cetera. i have to go if the romney campaign is going to change what's going on in this race, which is the president winning, not by a landslide but winning, they have to figure out one message and stick with it. i couldn't believe my ears yesterday about what he's saying about health care now.
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let's take a listen. >> i have experience in health care reform. now and then the president says i'm the grandfather of obama care. i don't think he meant it as a compliment, but i'll take it. there was during my primary. we thought it might not be help. >> now he's embracing being the grandfather of obama care. it seems like not just in this week but weeks past, romney is on one page on monday, a different page on tuesday, paul ryan is over here, john sununu and his surrogates are over here. they have to figure out what to say and stick with it. it's the first thing that candidates are taught. you have to come up with your message and say it relentless until you want to kill yourself because you said it too much, but just stick to the point. he seems to have not gotten that. it's going to be here soon. too late to change that. >> i think you're right 100%. the obama campaign has interestingly been a lot more disciplined in terms of
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messaging. they hammer at we represent the 99%. that's effectively the big campaign message. and romney has had myriad messages. some have been effective and some have not been effective. i think you're right, the consistency is important. if i was mitt romney, i would say the president's campaign is going well, but the campaign message of we represent the 99% does not match his record. under obama the rich have gotten richer. he has a ton of wall street advisers and policies that prop up the banks, levies a new tax on 6 million americans on bahama care. there's riffe -- the policy are riffe for exploitation from mitt romney to say the campaign is going well, but it doesn't match the presidency. i don't know why he's not doing that. >> steve, help me understand something. the romney campaign is clearly on the ropes. it's not over, but they're
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losing. they act like they're losing. today is the third reboot in twlee three weeks. clearly the message we read from them is we think we're losing, and a lot of conservatives are saying you guys are losing and screwing this up. bill crystal said the same thing. you can point on tracking polls that are air tight, 1 to 3 point difference. it's consistent for months at 1 to 3 points within the margin of error. can they be within the margin of error in tracking polls and also losing at the same time? >> no. key distinction. i would not look at a three point gap consistently in the average of polls and say that's within the margin of error. that's averaging it together and saying it coming out three points ahead. when you talk about that broader conservative concern from peggy noonan and the activist types, there's a fundamental misunderstanding on their part that leads it to the atmosphere of panic. they say we should winning this
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race and running away because the unemployment race is over 8%. they believe this shouldn't be a close election. this should be reagan and carter in 1980. if you look at the fundamental models for presidential elections, they say, yeah, the fundamentals are bad enough for obama right now that he's vulnerable and could lose the election. the economy is growing enough he's a slight favorite to win re-election. it's that's hard to believe when you see unemployment this high, but it's growing enough. this is a guy who is vulnerable, but it's not automatic. >> i think they bought into some of their own rhetoric about how awful and inept the president was. we have rachel smolken joins us now. the president is wrapping up the event with facebook. this is what he said a few minutes ago. >> even in that first year, one of my first acts was to invite every single member of congress who had previously been
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supportive of comprehensive immigration reform and to say to them, we need to get this done. this is something i believe in deeply, because we are a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. >> mitt romney was there last night, and there's one line he repeated over and over again. >> this is a campaign about the 100%. my campaign is about the 100% of america. i know i won't get 100% of the vote. i have a record and demonstrated by capacity to compare for the 100%. i'm concerned about america. >> so rachel, mitt romney sounding a little bit of a different note there. how much damage has he done to the this race? can he still change things in the debates? >> mitt romney talked last night about the 100% being for the 100%. what has not been at100% in the last week is the messaging. there is still time left in this campaign, but we've seen him go back and forth, first saying it
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was not elegantly stated and then seeming to support it and last night softening it substantially to say i'm for 100% of the people. it has given president obama yet another opportunity to come out, and we just heard from him to come out and say, i don't know if mitt romney has been around. i don't know if he knows what's going on out there. there's still plenty of time left in this campaign. we have the debates coming up. that's going to be a critical moment for both candidates, but time is running out. mitt romney has to get on message if he wanted to pull ahead. >> rachel, we talked all summer about mitt romney's $300 million summer. he was going to have more money in his campaign for the fall. now he had to borrow money over the summer, a lot of that 300 million was raised in conjunction with the republican national committee with other republican organizations. that romney himself can't spend it, and he may actually against obama be at a spending disadvantage. has the media just gotten the money story in this race completely wrong?
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>> there's a lot of money floating around in this race. he has a big super-pac advantage. the obama campaign has hit that theme over and over saying we're outmatched on the money side. romney spend a lot of time fund-raising. right now it's so much the money as the message. into the debates he has to get on the message and figure out how to respond to the 47% controversy and move forward from that. >> rachel, romney sounded much more moderate,s it the romney from '04 but it's not the guy running the whole time. isn't it a bit dangerous to change so drastically so late in the game. >> particularly when everyone is watching. he was speaking ate u nivision forum. obama talked about his support for a more limited version of
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the dream act. he has a huge advantage among this demographic. romney was trying to make up the ground. he moved to the right during the primary and had trouble repositioning himself so far during the general election. >> rachel, shanks so much for that perspective. >> thank you. >> up next, something you haven't seen on mitt's 47% comment, real time responses from actual voters. does it really matter to them? does it change the race? mr. stats, mr. kornacki, he has those answers and more as "the cycle" rolls on for thursday, september 20th. ♪ constipated? yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. until i got a job in the big apple. becoming a fulltime indoor cat wasn't easy for atti.
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turd containment crews have worked overtime on bull [ bleep ] mountain. >> "mother jones" put this tape out. >> "mother jones," the magazine no one reads. >> even word that jimmy carter's grandson might have played a instrumental role in playing this video. >> your campaign got blown up by jimmy carter's grandson? oh, the has bebitat for humanit. >> that is jon stewart talking about the effort of conservatives to contain the fallout of from that 47% video. it turns out they might not need to. we're going to put it through the spin cycle, and i want to set this up first. we have an interesting study today. they've been monitoring the
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reaction to swing voters tot ads during the campaign but they decided to monitor the response to the video. they have a pool of 700 people. they have authentic swing voters. the key is there's independents and swing voters. most independents are really democrat or republican. they have the real swing voters. they played for these swing voters the video itself. >> it's an ad now. >> what they found is fascinating. most said not going to make a difference at all. 24% said it makes them less likely to vote for him. 27% said it makes me more likely to vote for mitt romney. so when you look at those few swing voters, really it's a wash according to this. what they chalk that up to is there's an interesting finding. every respondent in here, 80% say they believe that they pay the federal income tax.
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so romney says there's 47% that don't pay and they're free loading off you. he may be talking a lot of people who responded to this poll, but they don't know it. they may be adopting that same exact mindset. the other issues this raises to me, if this is not necessarily going to have an effect, if this is something this momentous is not going to move swing voters against mitt romney, it raises the issue if the guy is consistently down by three points, what does it take to erase three points? if something this big doesn't move people, he needs it bigger to tie it up. i wonder what that could be. >> despite the math problems in romney's 47% comments that we've discussed, inaccuracies, he may have inadvertently stumbled into a winning campaign message by bringing up the issue of dependency. "washington post" had a story
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yesterday how dependence and that theme plays in some valuable key states. it plays pretty well. there's a rasmussen poll today, 64% of americans think the government is doing too much and we're too dependent on the government. a gallup poll, 54% think the government is doing too much. this could end up being a good theme for romney, and then if you compare that to obama's theme of income and equality that we were talking about earlier, most people say that is really low on their list on economic issues that matter post to them. 2% say the divide between rishg and poor is the most important economic issues. all and all 17 other economic issues rate higher than income equality. it's interesting to see at the end of this all of this when it shakes out if fendance and income and equality were effectively the main themes of this election. >> i would say obama is not basing his entire campaign that
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income inequality is not the center of his message. i think the message we're too dependent on government plays very well with the base. the thing i noticed about the romney campaign is they seem to be unshir and wavering back and forth between whether this is truly a base election and they should get the base fired up or whether they need to still play for the center. if you're playing for the middle, i think even if people say government's too big and we're too dependent on government, they don't think the fact we're lazy moochers is the problem with the economy today. they think we need jobs. so maybe if this truly is a base election, maybe government dependency is a winning message for romney. he has to decide that and stick with it. he has to decide something and stick with something, or else the electorate is going to be a confused mess. >> i agree. >> that's been a problem all the while, the lurching message that keeps changing. we wonder what will be the republicans' response, romney's
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response to the secret videos that seems to be damaging the campaign? we have seen the response that they're going to try. let's run the rnc's ad pushing back at the 47% video. >> you were really talking about income inequality, which suggests redistribution of wealth. >> i'm going to interrupt you there. i actually believe in redistribution. >> if you've been successful you didn't get that on your own. i actually believe in redistribution. which suggests redistribution of wealth. >> if you have a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> people say this is the socialist obama coming out of the closet. >> very interesting attempt. 14-year-old video. i wonder what the actual comment obama made was? can we run the full statement? >> the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and
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hence facilitate some redistribution because i actually believe in redistribution at least at a certain level to make sure that everyone's got a shot. >> two things there. i mean, first of all, this is more post-truthism campaigning that both of those full comments are nothing of what they're being mangled to be when you put them down into tiny sound bites. we know who obama is as well. he is against tax breaks for the rich, so this -- trotting out this redistribution thing is not changing anything. it's not changing the conversation at all. really, nothing reeks more of desperation and a lack of ideas and a fear of what has been introduced to the race than pulling out a 14-year-old video from when he was a state senator. the romney tape is from may. this is you campaigning right now. >> but the obama campaign has been rolling out very old tapes of romney from massachusetts as well. so you'd have to by that logic
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assume that desperation on both counts. >> i think the point here is that -- to go another sentence deep in that quote we didn't play there, he's talking about how we need to do in a way that promotes competition in the private sector. he was saying was totally consistent with a very centrist message. it was consistent with what the democratic party did in the 1990s in response to the success of the republican party and the conservative movement in the 1818 1980s. bill clinton stood up and said the era of big government is over. in a way bill clinton saying and barack obama talking that was a try jump of the conservative movement. the problem is they have not adjusted to that. they're trying to run a campaign still against the old image of democrats as total redistributionists. >> you don't have to go back that far. obama said similar things in 2008 and said, while president i think at a certain point you'd
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made enough money. this is not a 14-year-old idea. >> right. >> this is current. >> if you apply that to policies, if you apply to the vision he's spelling out there, that is a vision that's consistent with conservative traditions. >> i don't know about that. >> ronald reagan, part of this whole controversy right now is about people not paying taxes has to do with the earned income tax credit. conceived by republicans and promoted by ronald reagan who called it the best anti-poverty program we have. this was a conservative vision. is that not redistribution? >> well said. if you support redistribution -- if you support a progressive tax code and social security, medicare, public education, i mean, at their core if you support any taxation, it's all redistributed. >> you're all right. >> it's just a word. >> you can sort of explain it away a little bit, but i think what the ad is trying to get at is -- they didn't have to go back 14 years. it's in black and white in this administration and the on the
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last campaign trail in 2008 is the broader idea that obama thinks you can be too wealthy. you can be too successful. i think that cuts to the heart of his economic policies. >> i'm still waiting for that clip to come out. >> at a certain point you shouldn't make money? that's shocking. >> we'll see that clip. >> anyway, this hour hillary clinton is on capitol hill talking about the situation in egypt and libya. those protestors may appear to hate america, but up next, our guest spot, a member of the council of foreign relations, makes the case of why they actually look up to us and need us. time for the entrepreneur of the week. john wash davis knows the frustration of looking for funding. after being turned down by multiple lenders, he kaked a community group making loans to
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white house press secretary jay carney today finally acknowledging the attack that killed the u.s. ambassador to libya was, in fact, an act of terror that could be connected to al qaeda. a couple hours later president obama walked carney's statement
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back. >> we're still doing an investigation, and there are going to be different circumstances in different countries. so i don't want to speak to something until we have all the information. what we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm u.s. interests. >> in the meantime secretary clinton is on the hill facing tough questions from a house committee about the attack and anti-american sentiment behind it. since 9/11 there's been talk about america's diminished influence on the world stage. steven cook, senior fellow of middle eastern studies and the author of "the struggle for egypt." welcome. >> hi, how are you? >> good. you write in a recent column in
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fp. you write there's something to this idea of american exceptionalism. people do not swim to brazil for a better future, authoritarian russia is a model for no one, india and china are still very poor countries and millions of their citizens want to build futures in the united states. there's no argument from me there on american exceptionalism, but you argue it's not our ideals tt make us exceptional. what do you mean by that? >> i do think so some extent it's our ideals. arabs express tremendous admiration for our ideals and principles and institution of our government. they're outraged by the gap that they perceive between the pay in which we live here in the united states and our conduct in their part of the world. all that being said, we're left with the situation in the middle east right now where no other country has the capacity to do
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the kinds of things that the united states can do. no other country has the capacity to help the arab world in the ways that the united states can help the arab world, and that's why you still see people like president mohamed morsi, the first civilian elected islamic president of egypt. the muslim brotherhood has a long history of being opposed to the u.s. relations but seeking debt relief and help from the imf. other countries look to the united states to lead on the question of syria, because the united states is really the only alternative. where the russians and chinese? i ir the iranians don't offer anything to the people of the region. >> you seem to claim we're still the most influential power in the middle east, and you point out, as you just did, china, russia, brazil, india, very low
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profiles in the middle east and low influence. i'm sure that's true. isn't that sort of necessary and by design and not default? i mean, you know, we're involved in the middle east because terrorists in afghanistan and iran and syrian and yemen and libya and egypt want to kill innocent americans in part and not innocent brazilians. so i mean, isn't our involvement in the middle east by necessity and not something that we necessarily asked for? >> our involvement in the middle east long predates 9/11 or the invasion of iraq. it is a phenomenon of the post-world war ii era in which we have basically three interests. one, to ensure the free throw of oil out of the region. second, to help ensure israel's security. third, to make sure that no other country dominates the region, other than quite frankly the united states. those other issues that you
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mentioned are actually subordinate to those three long-standing core interests to the united states that administrations from both the republican and democratic party have pursued. >> wait. but why wouldn't then brazil also be interested in oil and aligning with israel and all of these other things that we seem to value? >> the brazilians have their own vast energy resources, but i think the point is that -- i think it's a good one. that countries like china and india and other rising global powers are not patrolling the waterways of the persian gulf. are not extending tremendous energy trying to resolve the israel/palestinian conflict. that is something that the united states and american policymakers of both parties have determined are in the interests of the united states. that's what puts -- makes us so deeply interined with the region. >> let's talk about oil for a second. you write about the sort of
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unparalleled influence that the u.s. has in the region, but given our dependence on oil, how much leverage do the oil states have with us? >> they are certainly some amount of leverage with us. if you remember back in the late 1980s, early 1990 with the reflagging of kuwaiti oil tankers. first they went to the soviets, and we said no, no, no, we'll go ahead and do it. that was a way to enpatrol the persian gulf. our dependence on middle eastern oil is decreasing. we, though, have taken on a global mission of ensuring that the strait of hormuz and the persian gulf remain free to shipping because the oil from that part of the world fuels economies from around the world
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and is ultimately good for the united states. it's interesting, the saudis will beg the united states to influence the chinese to influence the iranians without recognizing how much influence they themselves have with the chinese. again, another example of a middle eastern country looking to the united states for leadership and action. >> steven, making no judgment about our relationship with israel, let's talk about it and say that i wonder if our relationship with israel doesn't hinder or ability to influence the rest of the middle east because our actions are seen as always putting israel's interests first. so we can't be an independent actor influencing the region. what do you think about that? >> that's always been a problem. it's always been a very difficult diplomatic move for the united states to manage its relations with both israel as well as the arab world. certainly in an environment where there are more open and relatively freer political
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environments where public opinion matters in new and different ways, elected leaders are going to have to pay attention to their public and their opposition to a relationship with the united states because the united states is perceived quite rightly as the patron of israel except that at the same time there are a series of common interests between the arab world and the united states that trump public opinion's opposition to israel, including the free flow of oil out the region, the iranian challenge, the breakup of syria. those types of things have at least recently been things that have rendered the palestinian and israeli conflict as let in the minds of region's leaders even the new ones secondary to how public opinion feels about israel. >> steven, i think a lot of americans had a lot of hope for the arab spring. not that it would bring better situations for people in the
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region, but it would provide an opening for the united states to have a better relationship with countries in the middle east based more on our values and more true to our ideals. should we still be hopeful about that possibility for the arab spring? >> i think we should be for two reasons. one, it's very soon. hosni mubarak fell only 19 months ago. gadhafi fell 17 months ago. we're at the very beginning of transitions in the arab world. now, there is no direct line between -- from the situations that countries like egypt and libya are in right now that directly lead to democracy. these transitions take a long time. they're marked by political uncertainty and periodic spasms of instability. we don't know how this will work out. i think the american foreign policy establishment understood that we were in for a tough time. the hope is that ultimately in the longer run democratic
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societies will emerge and that do share values with the united states. we will have better relations with this part of the world. i remind you, i actually was in tahrir square for the very beginning of the uprising in egypt. it was about values that make us feel all warm and fuzzy when we go to sleep tonight. about democracy, about the equal application of law, about fairness, about dignity. those things, i think, are continuing to drive the tumult in the region. >> steven cook, thank you very much for joining us. >> great pleasure. up next, good girls revolt. i'm tant talking about krystal ball and i. it took on mad men and changed the workplace for women. that story is straight ahead.
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the copy is still describing the car as another woman, but a woman you can't have because they have all the qualities of a jaguar. good-looking, expensive, fast, and frankly not practical. >> i'm fine with all that, but what's the line? >> jaguar, at last something beautiful you can truly own. >> that's a yoet from emmy-award winning "mad men." the workplace has changed since that time. just today fortune is out with the latest list of the 50 most powerful women in business. topping the list, ibm ceo and president and it is ceo and president of hewlett-packard, meg whitman. they owe some success to these woman and they filed a discrimination complaint against their bosses at "newsweek." the current editor and chief of
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"newsweek" is actually a wok. lynn povich began her career as a secretary. in 1975 she was the first senior editor in the magazine's history. lynn, thanks to much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> take you us back to the '60s. what was the work environment like? >> it was very mad men. all the women were researchers and fact checkers, so you had that great sort of office wife structure. it was a friendly workplace. it was very collegeal. it was the '60s and there was a lot of sex, most of it consensual. sometimes it crossed the line. it was a wonderful place to work. it was considered a fabulous job. >> so what then led you to become so fed up that you filed this complaint? >> well, you know, with the
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women's movement, we became interested in what was happening in terms of women's rights. we suddenly realized in 1969 that the fact that all the women were researchers and couldn't get promoted out of that category and all the men were reporters and writers, even men with equal or less educational credentials we had was illegal. so we decided to start organizing and figure out what to do. the day that "newsweek" decided to do a cover story called "women in revolt," about the women's movement, we announced that 46 of us were suing the magazine for sex discrimination. >> i love that. >> that's great. >> bravo. i want to talk about the sexual cultures you talked about, men having sex with women subordinate to them. talk more about that and how that helped keep women in the second class position? >> well, i don't think that actually was what kept us in the second class position. i think what kept us was a
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mindset on both of our sides. i think we were raised, as i said, in the '40s and '50s to be good girls and be polite and look for a good guy to marry and have children. some women who wanted to be writers from the very beginning and came to "newsweek" as researchers, women like nora ef ron and jane and ellen goodman, they left right away knowing they would never be promoted. the men raised the way we were and we sort of accepted this system as the way it was going to be until we didn't. with a certain consciousness on both sides, things changed. >> lynn, talk to me about today. we mentioned tina brown, women editor of "newsweek." we have jim abramson at "the new york times," oprah. there are plenty of women sort of leaders in the media industry. what glass ceilings are left to
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break for women in my business? >> well, i do think in the media you've probably named the top four. >> that's it. >> if you look around, i mean, there are some women running newspapers in some smaller towns. there has never been a woman head of the networks, msnbc or cable news networks except for npr, public television at one point. >> there's a job for me. i could run this network. >> yeah. >> it's a scary thought, lynn. >> let me follow-up on that and broaden that out a little bit. where in american society do you think the glass ceiling is most pronounced or persistent today? >> i think the glass ceiling is clearly at top management and at the very top. cheryl sandberg at facebook said that women in the corporate suites spend about 167% to 17% in the last ten years, nothing has moved there. i think even if this fortune
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list is in the teens. so that's where the glass ceiling is. let's face it, there's still unequal pay, and there's still hostile work forces and the old boys club. there is bias, discrimination, whatever you want to call it in other sectors as well? >> thanks for the insight. >> up next, a price tag that might make you scream. classic painting sells for an astonishing amount, but will you pay to see it? we'll talk about that and the art of politics straight ahead on the cycle. [ female announcer ] e-trade was founded on the simple belief that bringing you better technology helps make you a better investor. with our revolutionary e-trade 360 dashboard you see exactly where your money is and what it's doing live. our e-trade pro platform offers powerful functionality that's still so usable you'll actually use it. and our mobile apps are the ultimate in wherever whenever investing. no matter what kind of investor you are,
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you'll find the technology to help you become a better one at e-trade. ypresidethis message. barack to hobama and i approve...r one anncr: he keeps saying it... mitt romney: this president cannot tell us that you're... better off today than when he took office. anncr: well... here's where we were in 2008... tv anncr: the worst financial collapse... since the great depression... tv anncr: american workers were laid off in numbers not seen... in over three decades. anncr: and here's where we are today... thirty months of private sector job growth. creating 4.6 million new jobs. we're not there yet. but the real question is: whose plan is better for you? the president's plan asks millionaires... to pay a little more... to help invest in a strong middle class. clean energy. and cut the deficit. mitt romney's plan? a new 250,000 dollar tax break for... multi-millionaires. roll back regulations on the banks that cratered the economy. and raise taxes on the middle class. president clinton: they want to go back to the same old... policies that got us in trouble in the first place. president obama: we're not going back, we are moving forward.
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anncr: forward. to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪
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"the scream" the most expensive painting sold at auction. it went for $120 million and now is on view a few blocks away from us. it's a classic painting, but isn't it worth 120 million? we're going to spin about this. the answer is yes, in the art world a painting is worth whatever somebody will pay for it. it's really not that complicated, but actually this paint inniing has wall power. you understand it right away as soon as you see it, that message of anxiety. it's iconic. as soon as you walk into a rich person's home and you see that, you're like that's wall power and that's why a superrich guy will pay $120 million for that. >> i think i saw that look at mitt romney's face this weekend.
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i think it seems ridiculous, but it's no more ridiculous than the amount we pay for diamonds versus cubic zirconia, which is the exact same thing only one notch lower on the softness scale. that's it. we're willing to pay thousands of dollars more for diamonds. the whole thing of paying for scarcity, i don't know. even i had the money, i'd think it's sort of wasteful. >> i studied art in college. let me give a little context to do what you will with this painting. it's the scream of nature, and it's the disconnect between city life and our natural state. he was a symbolist influenced by goeg began, and it is impossible to talk about art without sounding douchie. you can't say i'm going to art basel and i have friends. >> wi wife goes to art basel
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every year so you can call her douchy. >> let's talk about our favorite paintings of all time. i love romar beard. he did a piece called "the block." it's so beautiful. it's at the at the metropolitan museum. you can see it now, today if you choose. that's lots of little stories. you can't really see it as a picture. you got to see it in person. >> how much? >> it's in a museum. >> my favorite painting is improvisation 31 also known as sea battle. i saw this when i was 6 years old in washington, d.c., and decided i wanted to study art. i loved it so much that more than 20 years later i had this tattooed on my leg. it is his signature on my ankle. >> that tootoo is what we're
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noticing. >> my favorite comes from a young up and coming artist, my daughter. she's done some beautiful work lately. i'd call it modern art. there is some of her work. it is to me priceless. >> i actually have a few ellas hanging up in my workspace. >> ella loves to draw for steve. >> i recently did some art shopping as well. participated in an ebay auction and picked up some great items for 6 bucks each. old "time" magazine covers, back when it was the definitive statement on the week on what was going on in america. there's gary hart in the upper left. the grinch who stole christmas. rockets to the top of the polls and collapses a month later. look at bill clinton in the upper right. everybody thought he was a sure
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loser. remember the character issues. >> look at the lower left. >> 1988 race. olympic theme. pat robertson on skis, come on. the great chariot race, walter mondale, gary hart in 1984. these things, i could blow these up hang them on my wall. >> they were on your wall as a kid. >> that's actually true, too. >> we're talking about art and he's talking about political covers of "time" magazine. >> as art. that's art. >> only an art snob would say it's not art. >> warhol would agree with you, absolutely. >> any magazine covers that stood out to you in this election cycle? >> they don't do these magazines like they used to. "time" is not what it used to be. the daily newspaper has become almost what "time" was. it was the definitive statement. >> there's a book of new yorker
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covers throughout the years and they still have these artful covers that aspire to that sort of iconic status and they've had some covers that have been iconic and gotten them in trouble. >> controversial. >> yeah. so they are trying to do that. >> tv guide used to do it, too. >> there's a place for that, absolutely. we'll see those in a museum one day. up next, krystal sends a little power to the people. but, first, brian, drop that hit. ♪ ♪
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on thursday may 17th, 2012, about 150 people gathered at the
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multimillion dollar mansion of mark leder west of boca raton. these masters of the universe had paid $50,000 a plate to listen to mitt romney. they wanted and waited as donors do to hear romney that he viewed the way they do. as the wine was poured and dinner served, romney happily obliged making his now infamous remarks casting off nearly half the country as moochers, dependent on government. my job is not to worry about those people, he said. i'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. he was in his element, comfortable, among friends and the crowd ate it up. they were the ones building america, they were the producers, the makers, the ones who count. unfortunately for mitt romney, however, the caviar and champagne didn't serve themselves. forgotten in the room, invisible really were the waiters, switching out plates between
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courses, refilling wine glasses and water tumblers. they had arrived at the estate early and would stay long after. what's rashable about the video is we see the entire event through the eyes of the help from the little hidden camera on a butler's side board at the back while romney discarded the 47% he forgot he was not truly alone with his wealthy come com patriots. it happened at a $50,000 a plate dinner in a room full of millionaires there to fete the son of a former governor and the wealthiest man ever to run for president, the most powerful person in that room may have been one of the help. silently fetching and shuffling and wielding only the power of transparency. despite all the money and politics, despite the super pacs and the new disenfranchising laws, the most influential person in this election may well end up being a waiter from florida, someone who was very much taking personal responsibility and not at all
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being the victim that romney wrongly assumed. the story of the waiter and the wealthy scion is a profoundly american pairable that it was jim yib carter's grandson that ensured the video made its way to the american justice is poetic. the waiter with a small cell phone camera and a whole lot of idealistic brass, the waiter still has the advantage. all right. that's it for me. martin, it's all yours. >> thank you so much, and thank you to all of you. it's thursday, september 20th, and lord romney has decided to address the masses. mitt romney, public. >> this is a campaign about the 100%. >> private. >> there are 47% of the people who will vote


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